Join us for this month's intergenerational gathering. The Spiritual discipline we will experience together is lectio divina, experiencing God in Scripture.
Come with a holiday favorite to share at our potluck meal.
HarvestKaleidoscope? What Is That?
I have always been fascinated by kaleidoscopes and how difficult it is to capture the passing moments. It is frustrating, and yet mysterious, how fleeting the beauty is – no sooner do you see the beauty than it is gone before it can even be captured. I am convinced that so much of the ministry of the church is like a spectacular kaleidoscope.
One of the key pieces of a kaleidoscope is a source of light. Without a light source to look towards, one can only appreciate the craftsmanship of the housing. The shards of broken glass, gathered from the rubbish heap, are just trash until the light is refracted through the lens and prisms to the eye of the beholder. But, with the right light, the shards become a beautiful refraction of the light as the lens is turned to direct the light.
We need to allow the Master Craftsman to fashion us into a beautiful kaleidoscope that refracts His Light into a dark world. To do this at HarvestDowntown, we need every person to know who they are in Christ, to find their place in the kaleidoscope, to engage in the ministry of the word and prayer, and to participate in the ministry of the Gospel.
You have probably heard us say that a church is her best when she is refracting the light of Jesus. Hopefully this inspires you to consider how you are a vital part of this kaleidoscope known as HarvestDowntown. To help you and your family engage in this kaleidoscope, we offer a monthly gathering that will serve as a guide as we live out what it means to be the body of Christ.
HarvestKaleidoscope is a regular event that will help us engage in the ministry of His church. It is intentionally designed to be an intergenerational event that will engage children and adults in a conversation around the dinner table. It is to be a catalyst for spiritual change so that we can impact our city with the vibrant light of Christ as He shines through the kaleidoscope known as HarvestDowntown.
I hope that you will make this event a priority for you and your family. This is an event for the whole family of HarvestDowntown.