Join us Sundays at 9 and 10:40am



We need each other. We cannot live healthy lives without relationships, and God wants us to grow within the community. We believe that this is one of the core reasons Christ established His Church. To this end, we strive to create a Transformational Community.

Our primary goal is to connect every family and individual to a Compass Group in order to encourage, coach, exhort, and challenge one another. Our Pathway to Community serves to connect each individual and family with the ministry opportunity that will best develop them into the person and people that God desires them to become.

An exciting aspect of our Compass Groups is that they not only serve as foxholes for those who are pursuing a missional lifestyle, but they also create middle space for those who are not yet desperately worshiping.


We define Desperate Worship as being a people who are passionate for the Triune God, passionate for The Word, and passionate about purity before our God. It is our belief that God wants to reveal His Glory through His people who are in desperate pursuit of Him.

Desperate Worship is submitting ourselves to a Holy God and allowing His Spirit to drive, motivate, convict and encourage us as we pursue Him.

To be a Desperate Worshiper is to live out the belief that everything we do is worship—it is for the glory of God. Desperate Worship is the desire to live according to the values found in His Word rather than those of this world and our culture. Desperate Worship is the passion of a people to honor God above themselves with total abandonment.


Missional Living is where God’s people are motivated by compassion for the world. The boundaries of the modern world are slipping into oblivion. Nationalism is waning as we live next door to immigrants who are planting churches down the street, businessmen who are traveling to Thailand monthly, and Muslims who are attending our universities. Missional Living is no longer determined by what ocean you cross, rather it is a conscious decision to model our lives after the Incarnation. It is immersing ourselves in our culture that we might engage it. It is being in the world but not being of this world. It is reaching our immediate circles of influence, no matter what race, age, or nationality they may be.

To be missional by definition is to be intentional. Our desire is to be intentional about the mission Christ has given our community of Christ. It is an expectation of multiplication and a choice to engage in the mission of Christ, just as Jesus engaged in His Father’s business. Therefore, we not only encourage one another to cross oceans, but we also encourage one another to cross streets.



encouraging one another as we orient our lives on True North


we believe that kids are not just the church of the future, but they are the church of today


coffee, food, and God-centered fellowship


where we can be honest about the good and bad, the sweet and the bitter, and where we learn to walk alongside one another in authenticity, sharing with one another Christ’s love